Irene has worked in the Health Care Field as a nurse in various capacities in the past 40+ years.  She has used her expertise to influence excellent care throughout her nursing career.

Her compassion and care for those facing a terminal illness and end-of-life became her passion.   Her commitment to patients in palliative/hospice care led her to specialize in the field of Oncology and AIDS.   This in turn opened the door for her involvement in setting up the Salvation Army Agape Hospice for the terminally ill.  She finished her career being part of the staff at the Tom Baker Cancer Clinic which she felt was a highlight of her career.

Irene has her Nursing Diploma from the Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary; her BSN, from the University of Alberta, Edmonton; and her MSN from the University of California, San Francisco specializing as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Oncology and AIDS.  She also has a diploma in Grief Counseling from Kings College, University of Western Ontario.

Irene has been involved in the Grief Support Ministry at First Alliance Church. She and her husband are both retired.  They have enjoyed spending their time traveling, spending their winters in Phoenix golfing, summers at the cottage with their family and friends, plus the time to reach out to others when needed.