We are privileged to have a number of people in the following areas who have and continue to provide ongoing advice, counsel and insights to CSC:


A great advocate and consultant to the project is a retired engineer (P Eng) who did the engineering for several large developments including his extensive involvement in the Tuscany subdivision in Calgary. He has been an incredible support and continues to lend his knowledge, expertise and heart to the project.


CSC is privileged to have several experienced contractors and former contractors as advisors to the project. Whenever there are questions, each of them is simply a phone call away. Collectively they bring decades of experience and also integrity and care in their advice.


CSC is so grateful for excellent counsel which has come and continues to come from experienced, caring and knowledgeable advisors in nursing and care giving.

We had the privilege of spending two full days with a retired director of a large care home. During that time we reviewed building layouts, protocols, programs, staffing and many other areas relating to CSC. She strongly affirmed the direction of CSC and offered to continue to lend her knowledge, expertise and support to the project.

Subsequent to that time, we have also had excellent and committed Registered Nurses provide significant insights into the management of care. This support will continue as we develop CSC.